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Improving the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of HFpEF.


The Shah Lab

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) accounts for more than 50 percent of all heart failure cases and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. HFpEF prevalence is increasing with the aging population and the ongoing epidemics of obesity, diabetes and hypertension. HFpEF is under-recognized, diagnosis can be challenging and there are few proven therapies for HFpEF. Therefore, in 2007, Sanjiv Shah, MD, started the world's first dedicated clinical program for HFpEF at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine with the goal of improving the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of HFpEF.

Dr. Shah headshot

Lab Leadership

Sanjiv J. Shah, MD
Director, Center for Deep Phenotyping and Precision Therapeutics at the Institute for Augmented Intelligence in Medicine
Neil J. Stone, MD, Professor
Professor of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine

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Cardiologist and Northwestern professor Sanjiv Shah ’97, ’00 MD, the Neil J. Stone, MD, Professor at the Feinberg School of Medicine, explains how his team uses artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, and how AI can improve health care and patient well-being.


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Welcome to… Let’s talk about it! With Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute’s Director of Multi-Modality Imaging, Paul Cremer, MD. This will be a series where Dr. Cremer interviews physicians at Northwestern Medicine to get insights on all things related to your heart health. 

Today Dr. Cremer will be talking to Director of Research, Sanjiv Shah, MD, about Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction, or HFpEF. Learn more about how HFpEF, the “ugly stepchild of heart failure,” came to the forefront of Dr. Shah’s research.


Cngralains  Dr. Ai Yak!

Congratulations to Dr. Ai Yaku!

Dr. Ai Yaku received the Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research (KMYIA). 

The Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research is an annual award given to three young individuals who are the lead authors of papers published while holding positions as graduate students, research students, or trainees within the Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine at Kyoto University. The paper that qualified for KMYIA was based on research conducted during Dr. Yaku's Ph.D. course. It focused on pulmonary hypertension caused by immune dysregulation and was published in Circulation.

Dr. Yaku is currently conducting research to further investigate immune abnormalities in pulmonary hypertension and to apply these findings in a clinical setting.


Bsn Scienific Invesigar-Spnsred Research Gran

Boston Scientific Investigator-Sponsored Research Grant

Evaluation of the Boston Scientific WCM Patch as a Non-Invasive Tool for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure: A Pilot Study

Estimating left atrial (LA) pressure is a key aspect of the diagnosis and management of patients with heart failure (HF). Although measuring pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) is the current gold standard method for estimating LA pressure, it requires an invasive procedure (right heart catheterization). Implantable hemodynamic monitoring is available (e.g., CardioMEMS device), but is costly, invasive, cannot be used as a test to diagnose HF. Thus, there is a critical unmet need to develop novel, non-invasive methods for accurately diagnosing elevated LA pressure at rest and during exercise both for (1) the diagnosis of HF, particularly the diagnosis of HFpEF, which can be quite challenging, and (2) the management of HF patients. The objective of this study is to develop a simple, non-invasive diagnostic tool to help solve two of the most important unmet needs in managing HF in clinical practice today. As such, if this device can be developed, it will be a groundbreaking innovation to diagnose HFpEF at an early stage, and we are very excited to be able to do this research with the grant we received!

Congratulations to Dr. Hidenori Yaku!